Have We Gotten The Cart Before the Horse?
The days, most kids wouldn't have a clue what that expression means. But to get the cart before the horse is to have the horse pushing...
We Would Never Deny Jesus; or Would We?
Well, we think we would never deny our Lord and Savior. Peter said he not only would not deny Jesus, but he would go with Jesus to the...
Will You Also Deny Christ?
Many times we as Christians are confused as to what may constitute a denial of Christ. We think, like Peter, who had said, "“Even if I...
Am I A Nicodemus?
Nicodemus was a member of the Sanhedrin court, the high court of the land. He came to speak with Jesus after darkness had fallen. He was...
Is Jesus Close By?
It seems that every week we find that another person we love or know has gone on to the next life. And when someone we love goes on, we...
Are You Certain?
Perhaps sometime during your life, someone has asked you that question; "Are you certain about that?" Sometimes when you are asked that...
From Where Do You Get Your Strength?
Several years ago, before the internet, there was an exercise guru on TV named Jack LaLanne. He could do all kinds of fantastic feats of...
Are You Worried?
I think you would be different from the average person if you aren't worried about anything at all. Worrying, however, merely causes you...
How Do You Want To Be Remembered?
I think, even for those who say it doesn't matter; it does matter, at least a little bit. Yesterday, in Washington DC, our US Capitol...
Great Expectations
I think Charles Dickens came up with a "novel" idea when he wrote his novel with the name "Great Expectations." What are your...