There aren't many of us who do not deal with at least some type of stress on a regular basis. Sometimes we even feel like we may be, (as...
How Do You View Your Life?
There are many ways to view our lives. Some see life as a straight line of events, one following another. Others may see life as being a...
Many times when we send up a prayer, we are asking God to help us with a situation. Who are we trying to protect with our petition? When...
Overcoming Loneliness
The following devotional is from the book, "Best Loved Passages of the Bible: A Daily Devotional", (P.12). Overcoming loneliness: The...
Think Pure Thoughts!
It is said there is a cult in Chicago where the followers go to their "temple" where there is a room in which the followers are to "think...
Keep Your Eye on the Ball!
That's a really strange title for a writing that has nothing to do with ball! But let me explain. There is an ancient game known as the...
Mind Readers?
I think we are all glad no one can read our minds! We would likely be in a peck of trouble if they could! But there is one who can! He is...
Cinco de Mayo!
Okay, so what is Cinco de Mayo? It is celebrated in Mexico to remember the victory over the French army, May 5th, 1862, under the...
Today is My Birthday!
So what!! Well, actually, our birthdays are a reminder that time is short for us to fulfill the mission God has sent us here to do! I...