The Blessing of Advent
The first day of Advent comes on Sunday. Some people take this more seriously than others. I personally won’t police the songs we’ll sing...
Empty Chairs at Empty Tables
Thursday is Thanksgiving, a day of food, family, and friends. It's the day that we who have been so richly blessed by God will simply...
Winter Wonderland
The first snow of the season has flurried, according to some of you, thus having everyone give fall a miss and go straight from summer to...
I'm still thinking quite a bit about stories. I don't just mean fairy tales, and I don't just mean fiction in general. I'm talking about...
Pure Imagination
Trevor recently reminded me of one of life's ultimate truths: the greatest toy in the world is a big box. Every kid loves playing in...
Your Friendly November PSA
This is your annual friendly November public service announcement! I know we're all excited to make it to November. This means Christmas...