Pure Spite
I recently read an article saying only Christians, among all followers of all religions, begin with the premise humans are inherently...
Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy
My Bible has a permanent crease at Hebrews 11, the "Faith Hall of Fame" chapter. I'd love to say it's because I'm just so holy that I...
A Change of Plan
"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry," as the saying goes. I'm not sure if my blogging schedule is a "best laid plan," and...
We Can Handle the Truth
If I didn't have to, I'd probably stop keeping up with the news. Every day, it seems, something happens to make me want to pull out my...
A Little Stitious
All week, as we edged closer to today, Friday the Thirteenth, I've seen many posts on social media saying something like, "No, I'm not...
Nothing Beside Remains
With a degree in English, I've read a lot of poems. My favorite, though, is Percy Shelley's "Ozymandias." I met a traveller from an...
Last week I had to buy more white t-shirts. My existing supply had been around for almost a decade, and I had began to notice I had about...
While I was growing up, my parents watched a lot of detective shows -- Perry Mason, Matlock, Murder, She Wrote, Simon & Simon, Quincy...
Easter Monday
Easter is a fifty-day long season, and today is the first Monday of Easter! That means you're allowed to continue greeting people with...