Don't Worry......*
Several years ago Bobby McFerrin sang the song "Don't Worry, Be Happy!" It was a huge hit. The song agrees with what most of us want- a...
Dream a Little Dream.....
Can you remember your dreams? Many times I can, but sometimes I cannot. But dreams serve a purpose. Some researchers believe dreams serve...
Are You Seeking Peace?
Back in 1981, I sold life insurance. My duties required me to visit an old man living in the hills south of Monticello. As always, I was...
How About a Date?
We are creatures of habit. We sit in the same seat, in the same room in our homes day after day. When we come to church we sit in the...
What Is "Your" Label?
For a while, when visiting the grocery, I couldn't find the "Liquid Smoke". I looked all over the section where I thought it might be-...
The Devil Wants You!
Our message this Sunday morning is about the devil. When I say that; what image comes into your mind? Do you think of the devil as a...
Are You An Alien?
Once there was a cartoon, (which only the older folk will remember), in which a main character, who was an alien, ask the question, "Are...
Concerning Servanthood
We are studying the 18th chapter of John during this season on Wednesday evenings. We are taking our time and digging deep into the...
Shine Jesus Shine!
Recently, we sang the hymn, "Shine Jesus Shine" in our Sunday morning service. That is a special song to me! The words themselves express...