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Your Friendly November PSA

This is your annual friendly November public service announcement!

I know we're all excited to make it to November. This means Christmas is now officially next month, and that's usually a big hit with most people. Just sensational. But before we get to the part where we put dead trees in our living rooms, we come to another holiday. It's a pretty big hit, too, especially if you like parades or cartoons of dogs making toast.


I repeat: the holiday is Thanksgiving.

This annual friendly public service announcement is to remind you the holiday is called Thanksgiving. It it not, no matter what anyone may think, say, or eat, "Turkey Day." If you would like a Turkey Day, I would recommend October 29th -- the day the nation of Turkey declared itself a republic (in 1923). If you want a Turkey Day that involves Butterball, celebrate on June 11th, the day in 1940 the name "Butterball" was registered as a trademark (although turkeys didn't enter the equation until 1954 or so when it actually opened for business).

The November holiday isn't the high holy day of gluttony. It is a day we take in God's bountiful provision and thank Him for it. Too rarely does the Almighty hear us pray thanksgivings during the rest of the year. Take one day to truly reflect on all of God's gifts to you. Remember the blessings of our country on this first of our national holidays. Reflect, remember, and be thankful. Truly give thanks to God for His love and all His mercies shown to you. Make Thanksgiving a day of thanksgiving.

This has been your annual friendly November public service announcement!

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