Christmas Lists
As a final blog post before Christmas, I present a few things to keep in mind this holiday.
don't forget what Christmas is all about
don't fling your mashed potatoes at Uncle Bob at dinner
don't tell your family's token member of the opposite political party he/she is going to hell; in fact, don't mention anything political at all
don't complain about the gift you receive (even if it's socks)
don't do your best Grinch impersonation
don't sing off-key
don't make it about anything or anyone other than Jesus
do eat that second piece of cake
do spend time with loved ones
do laugh at all the bad jokes
do sing carols
do read the Christmas story
do help someone in need
do worship and thank God for His love, His blessings, and the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord
Some of these are more important than others, but the point remains the same. Have a blessed Christmas full of joy and love -- and remember to praise God for the birth of the Christ Child all those years ago.
Merry Christmas!