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A Different Type of Christmas

This is a different type of Christmas than those we are used to seeing. We still have the tinsel, the lights, the lighted manger scene, etc. but there is a different feeling in the air. Our joy seems muffled this year. With hundreds of thousand of people dead from the Covid-19 virus, and with virtually everyone on the planet wearing a mask, no one seems to be untouched by grief and loss. The sparkle of the holiday is missing.

Jesus said, "I have said things to you, that in me you ay have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

Ok; let's translate that. Jesus promised us peace. We live on the earth so we expect peace on earth. But Jesus continued to say, "In the world you will have tribulation." What could He have meant? We know that there will be wars and rumors of wars during last days before He returns, so we aren't expecting nations to have peace or wars not to happen. So- What did He mean?

The only peace we can have on earth is peace in our hearts. Only Jesus can provide this type of peace. Only Jesus can calm us in the midst of the tornado of life that swirls around us. Yes, we can have peace on earth. But that peace won't be on earth, it will be in our hearts. There it will remain until our peace becomes reality in heaven. Our days is coming. To console yourself with the promise of the Lord that He has gone to prepare a place for you.

Let this Christmas be a peaceful one in your heart. Give wings to your hope and fly to Jesus! Merry Christmas and may Our God bless you during this blessed season!


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