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Thank You Lord!

As a church we have many goals. Our most important goal is to serve, honor, and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ as we live out our days on the earth together. To do that, we must make it a priority to come up with "roads" into the hearts and minds of those who need the gospel the most.

During this National Emergency due to the Coronavirus, we have had to empty out the auditorium in order to protect our membership from the virus. In order to reach the people, we had to put more emphasis on our live streaming program. Of course we already had it in place, and that really helped! I notice, however, that our viewing audience has about quadrupled the normal attendance in our normal auditorium services. For this and many other blessings, we say, "Thank you Lord!" Our Father has met our need to reach the people. But there are more.....we must reach them too!

This Sunday we hope to do something new for us. If we can put it together, we will do a "drive-in" service. During this type of service, we will limit physical contact with each other by STAYING IN OUR CARS! It works like this. When you come to church, just drive around to the rear parking lot. We will show you where to park. Again, DO NOT EXIT YOUR CAR!

In your car you will tune your FM radio to 88.7. Then you will receive a radio signal which will allow you to hear the message that I will be preaching from the back porch. Since it is up high, you should be both able to see and hear the message.

This Sunday's weather is forecast to be about 60 degrees and partly sunny. It should be a pleasant time, and a good opportunity to go to church with minimum exposure to anyone who might possibly have been exposed to the Coronavirus. In case the person in the car next to you coughs, no one will be offended when you roll up your window! The whole idea of this type of service is to get to church with a minimum of exposure to others. We hope to see you Sunday. If you have any questions, please call my cell at 270-866-1879. Thanks, and God's blessings to you!

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