It's Too Big!
I think there is a large part of our personal ministries that never get done because we think it's too much for us to do. We look at it and say, "I can't possibly do all that! It's too much!" But like the lessons of life we have been taught, we must run the race one step at a time.
If we look at each little segment of the big picture, one at a time, we can always do step two after step one, but if we look at step three before step two, it will begin to seem too much for us to do.
Jesus taught us to take one day at a time. He said, 'Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of its own," (Matt 6:34). So we can't live tomorrow today. We must wait for it. Since we can't live tomorrow until it arrives, why worry about it? Just relax and know God has His mighty hand on your today and tomorrow. He can and will take care of today as well!