As I write this at 12:15, about 45 minutes from now, we will baptize our friend Micky (Michael) Meece. Last Sunday he came forth in faith trusting Jesus Christ as his one and only Savior! He is now free! Free from the bondage of sin, free to resist the tempter, free to come into God's throne room at any time for forgiveness and advice!
Jesus will set you free too! His mission on earth was and still is to save souls from the penalty of sin. He took our sins upon Himself that we would not have to pay for them. He paid our sin debt that we might be set free of Satan's shackles to serve Christ. Let us now do so.
Congratulations to our Bro. in Christ, Micky Meece! Micky, may you hear the Voice of the Lord daily and follow Him in all of your life!