Is Your Answer; Yes?
What is your attitude about obeying God? When asked to serve in your church; how do you reply? Many people delay the answer by saying, "I'll pray about it and let you know." If Jesus were standing with you, and if He asked the same question, would your answer still be "I'll pray about it?"
I'm not talking to those of you who constantly work in the church, or out in the mission field of your city. I'm speaking to those who warm the bench, and who cheer from the armchair while their brothers and sisters in Christ do all the work. Honestly; which one are you? Are you a team player or an armchair coach?
When Jesus gave the disciples a command, do you suppose they gave any excuses for delaying their obedience? Frankly, it's easier no watch from the sidelines than to obey with action. But Jesus said, "Take up your cross daily and follow me," (Matt. 16:24). Even He was obedient to His Father. But Jesus said this also, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not what I say? (Luke 6:46).
Think about it- it's well worth your while.