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Let's Grow Together!

One of the reasons we enjoy our Wednesday evening studies is the deeper understanding we get by going deeper into the study of the Bible. It's always good to hear a sermon but maybe it's even better to become a part of the discussion and response of the biblical study. If you have been skipping our Wednesday services, please come on back. We miss you!

Tomorrow is Good Friday. How do you feel when you think about the crucifixion which Good Friday celebrates? Do you have a melancholy feeling, or do you celebrate the death of Jesus on the cross which was the means of his giving his life that we might be saved?

Sunday, of course, is Easter. We celebrate early during the sunrise service, then again during the morning worship service. For some folk, this will be one of the two services attended this year. The other on is Christmas.

Easter Sunday calls to mind the resurrection from the dead of our Lord Jesus Christ. His overcoming death as he promised assures us who are his followers that one day we too will overcome death when he calls us up out of this world into his eternal world. Now that's something to celebrate!

Easter is so much more than a ham dinner or a fun egg hunt. It's the day we stand in awe at the Lord's empty tomb and thank our Father that Christ saved us for his purpose! I'll see you at church!

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