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Well Hello There, My It's Been a Long Time!

To those of you who are faithful to read this blog, I apologize. This has been a very busy few weeks leading up to Easter. I will try to be more faithful to write you often.

I had never been to any of the "Steps To The Cross" performances until this year. I must say it was impressive. To me, the impressive part was not the production itself, but the meaning behind the production. It really brought to mind the importance of the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Christ in a very vivid way. Thanks to everyone in our church as well as the Nazarene church and others who helped make this thing possible. Though we didn't have the attendance we had hoped for, we put forth the effort for our Lord, and He will reward those efforts as He sees fit.

Our Easter egg hunt was a smashing success! It was well attended and enjoyed by all, both kids and adults! We were unable to get an accurate count but these must have been around 60 hunting eggs. The kids had more candy than many receive at Halloween. Their energy levels must have been off the chart by the time they ate all of that.

Please try to make it to our Easter Sunrise Service if you can. It is meaningful to meet together at that time on Easter morning to worship our Lord together. Blessings to you!

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