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As we approach Father's Day, I want to say thank you to all the amazing dads out there. Like motherhood, fatherhood is no easy task, but it's a very necessary one. I'm not just talking about donating genetic material towards producing another human being; I mean actual fathering, being there to raise your children.

It's something of a lost art these days. More and more children grow up in homes without a father. Some were never there, some abandoned their families, some left after a divorce, and some were never married to begin with and thus saw no reason to stick around. Additionally, as the use of reproductive technologies continues to become more commonplace, more women will conceive, bear, and raise children without a man being directly involved in any fashion. But children need fathers. An involved father is a direct contributor to the overall success and well-being of a child.

Fortunately, we all have such a Father if we're willing to accept the fact. Paul writes in Ro 8:15, " . . . the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry 'Abba, Father.'" All who are saved by the blood of Christ are adopted as the children of the Almighty God, the God we call Abba. ("Abba" is simply Aramaic for "Father.") This is a Heavenly Father who will always be there for all of His children. He won't leave or forsake us. He won't abuse us. He won't be disappointed we didn't make the team. He will simply love us, unconditionally and eternally.

Celebrate your earthly father this Father's Day, but give your soul to Abba, your Heavenly Father.

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