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Frequently Asked Questions

Tonight wraps up our Wednesday evening series on "Frequently Asked Questions." For the last three months, we've paused our regular Bible study to take a look at some of the questions you all wanted to address, the things that kept coming up in your everyday lives. Just to recap, in thirteen weeks (counting tonight), we will have covered:

  • Homosexuality

  • Islam and Christianity

  • The Lord's Supper (which took three weeks!)

  • Baptism

  • Noah's Flood

  • Evolution/Origins/Genesis

  • Predestination (tonight's topic)

We had a few weeks of canceled classes for various reasons, but we still made it through some fairly heavy topics. Together we have maintained a civil conversation about many controversial things, and I'm grateful to each of you for being willing listeners, both to me and to each other. We had some excellent discussions, and your questions definitely gave me a run for my money!

Tonight we'll vote on which book of the Bible to tackle next, so come ready to vote! I look forward to seeing everyone at church tonight!

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