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Transition of Power

Today is Inauguration Day, and President Obama will be replaced by President Trump as the chief executive of our country. No matter your feelings on Pres. Trump, today I would ask you to do two things.

First, pray for the incoming administration. Pres. Trump and Vice Pres. Pence both stand in need of your prayers, as do every other member of their new government. And don't pray for their failure, either. Pray for their good, as their success is the success of our nation. Pray they would seek to know and to do God's will for the United States, that God's hand would be upon them, and that they would exercise godly leadership. Pray for their health and safety. Pray they can begin to remove the divisions in our land.

Second, remember that no matter who is in the White House, God is on the throne. Jesus remains King of Kings and Lord of Lords no matter who takes an oath of office. He alone is our true King and our true Savior. While we seek the good of those in office, and while we submit to their authority, given to them by God, we place our hope for eternal life only in Jesus. We remember no politician can turn a country back to God unless God grants the people conviction, mercy, and forgiveness. While President Trump is a mortal and will fail at times the same as the rest of us, God will never fail us, and it's in Him we put our trust and our hope.

Today we congratulate President Trump and Vice President Pence, we offer our prayers for them and for the Obamas as they begin lives outside of the White House, and we praise God for being a God who is mighty to save.

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